Some people rave about how they have the best kids ever, well I truly do have the best dog ever. Loving, loyal, protective and tolerant. She gets dressed up, loved on, kissed, and sometimes pulled on by our kids and barely even blinks an eye. She was our only baby for years before the kids came along and adjusted to the change seamlessly. She got used to Daniel first and then I remember saying when we brought Elizabeth home from the hospital that Providence was thinking, "so is this the last one?" She has done great though, a true blessing to our whole family. Oh and also I do have the best kids ever!
Too many laughs, too many precious moments with the two most precious children anyone could ever ask for, too many times we have been amazed by them and in awe that God gave them to us. Too many to mention, but I will try to share as many of them as I can.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
"Seeing" Santa
Please forgive that this post is so long after Christmas, I mean how embarassing, but hey, one of our neighbors still has Christmas lights on his house so I guess I shouldn't feel so bad.
I have a super cute video of Christmas morning where the kids first discover their Santa gifts, but it's too big to load onto my blog. We had a WONDERFUL Christmas, it's always been my favorite time of year even before kids, but now that we have kids, it just makes it better.
I have never been a huge Santa promoter with my kids, I don't want them to be all about Santa and the gifts and forget the real and only reason we celebrate, the birth of our wonderful Saviour. Anyway, we decided to check out Bass Pro's Christmas setup this year, it was pretty impressive and they had a Santa there, a Santa with a really long line I had zero desire to stand in. We had told the kids on the way that we were going to see Santa, we never promised them a seat on his lap, so they weren't disappointed when we "saw" Santa from afar. This was my idea of "seeing Santa."
Master Mixer
With all of our recent snow and subzero temps, the kids and I stayed inside doing quite a bit of baking. After three batches of chocolate chip cookies in the last week, they are pretty much pros, especially Daniel who as you can see is a master mixer, except of course when it comes to figuring out how to turn the darn thing off!
I should mention that Elizabeth is not a fan of the mixer, I don't think she likes that it shakes her whole body. But Daniel in typical boy fashion, loves anything electronic!
I should mention that Elizabeth is not a fan of the mixer, I don't think she likes that it shakes her whole body. But Daniel in typical boy fashion, loves anything electronic!
Peanut Butter Playdough
I try to get the kids involved in the kitchen as much as possible, hey, anything to make my job easier. They both love to be involved in anything I am doing anyway, especially Daniel who insists on pulling his stepstool up to the counter even when I am making something as simple as a PB&J. So when I decided to make peanut butter playdough one day, I let them do all the work. They loved it! Doing the work and the peanut butter playdough, let me tell ya - it was yummy! There was a little, no, alot of eating going on, but that's what it was for, right?
Monday, January 17, 2011
We are still having some bedtime issues around here, Elizabeth is getting a lot better, she usually goes right to sleep even sometimes before I have turned out the light. She has to have her whole "family" in her bed which consists of Santa, Woody, Buzz, Jesse, baby doll, bunny, Mickey and probably a few more I can't remember. She is back in a Pull Up b/c I realized she just wasn't ready to stay dry all night, we will try again in a few months. D on the other hand has done great staying dry, he gets up by himself at night and goes in his potty, so proud of him! But getting him to stay in bed at bedtime is such a challenge, it's the same thing night after night after night. I mean really, when will this end? He is obviously a night owl like his daddy, I can live with that. But the constant coming out of his room not wanting to miss a single thing going on out here drives me nuts! I mean the kid even comes down the stairs and tries to help me do laundry when he is supposed to be in bed. I don't need your help, go to sleep already! I am trying REALLY hard to be patient and realize he's 3 years old, this is normal, he is normal - thank God - but really, when will this end?
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Disney Schmisney
I was flipping through a magazine the other day and saw an ad for a Disney cruise, it sounded like so much fun and I found myself being bummed that we can't afford anything like that right now. And there is this ridiculous Fun Bus that comes to the preschool every Friday and you can pay extra for your kids to go and play in it. Well of course, they park the monstrosity right in front of the church so the kids see it when we come out, they even have a slide coming out of the back, A SLIDE! And once again, I feel really sad that we can't give our kids that experience (I tell them it's for older kids, shame on me). Disney Cruises? Fun Buses? Seriously? We live in Colorado for pete's sake! Why would anyone want to be stuck on some boat or in some bus when they can experience the beautifullness (new word) of the mountains? I mean, what better experience could we give them and best of all it's free! Costs nothing more than a tank of gas, if that. So you can keep your overpriced entertainment, we'll take the mountains, and you can see by these pics that D & E couldn't agree more.
Throwing rocks and sticks in the creek, they could have done this ALL DAY!
Went on a long hike, after which Daniel took a loooong gulp of water and said, " I was weally firsty." So cute!
This was at Devil's Head on Chris' birthday, amazing place and so close to town, definitely going back next year!
These are the experiences I am so thankful to be able to give them.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
I am happy to report that the kids are almost 100% day potty-trained, our only issue is that Elizabeth would rather poop in her diaper than in the potty, but we're working on that. It's so great to just be able to pick up and go without worrying about diapers anymore. I was determined to have them trained by the time they are 3 and we did it! So proud of us and the kids for conquering this milestone.
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