Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Disney Schmisney

I was flipping through a magazine the other day and saw an ad for a Disney cruise, it sounded like so much fun and I found myself being bummed that we can't afford anything like that right now. And there is this ridiculous Fun Bus that comes to the preschool every Friday and you can pay extra for your kids to go and play in it. Well of course, they park the monstrosity right in front of the church so the kids see it when we come out, they even have a slide coming out of the back, A SLIDE! And once again, I feel really sad that we can't give our kids that experience (I tell them it's for older kids, shame on me). Disney Cruises? Fun Buses? Seriously? We live in Colorado for pete's sake! Why would anyone want to be stuck on some boat or in some bus when they can experience the beautifullness (new word) of the mountains? I mean, what better experience could we give them and best of all it's free! Costs nothing more than a tank of gas, if that. So you can keep your overpriced entertainment, we'll take the mountains, and you can see by these pics that D & E couldn't agree more.

Throwing rocks and sticks in the creek, they could have done this ALL DAY!

Went on a long hike, after which Daniel took a loooong gulp of water and said, " I was weally firsty." So cute!

This was at Devil's Head on Chris' birthday, amazing place and so close to town, definitely going back next year!

These are the experiences I am so thankful to be able to give them.