Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I am happy to report that the kids are almost 100% day potty-trained, our only issue is that Elizabeth would rather poop in her diaper than in the potty, but we're working on that. It's so great to just be able to pick up and go without worrying about diapers anymore. I was determined to have them trained by the time they are 3 and we did it! So proud of us and the kids for conquering this milestone.

Daniel the Artiste'

This morning I walked into the kitchen and saw that Daniel had drawn a couple of perfect circles on the chalkboard! He then turned them in to happy faces, he was so proud and so were we. We are pretty sure the one on the left is a Picasso. Maybe he will be an artist just like Grandpa Louie.

Well, help yourself why don't you?

I am loving being home with the kids, but it is exhausting - way more exhausting than working I can tell you that! In the mornings, I try to get up earlier than the kids and get showered before they get up, but that doesn't always happen. So on this particular morning, I turned on the kids favorite TV show and hopped in the shower and came out to find...

and then went a little further to find...

Guess I should just be glad they are eating fruit, right?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

More Bedtime Blues

Let me say that the bedtime issue has gotten sooooo much better than when the mayhem first began, like tonight Chris didn't have as much work to do so he was able to sit with Daniel for just a few minutes to wind him down and he was out like a light. They were actually both asleep by 9:00, oh happy day! But here is a little glimpse into what life was like before we got the issue in hand.

Bedtime Blues

I have sucked at blogging lately. I just wasn't able to find the time while I was working and as soon as I was able to be at home again, the kids threw me for a loop. They chose the first night that Chris was out of town for training to start climbing out of their beds. It started out kinda funny and cute but turned into a total nightmare, for me, not them, they were having a blast. So long story short, I don't have as much time in the evenings as I thought I would to catch up on blogging. I should add what a HUGE blessing it is that we are going through this while I am not working, it is still stressful, but not near as much as it would be if I were trying to get a million things done at night. But still, can this phase please end quickly?

Oh yes, and the kids won't take naps now, which can make for some pretty rough dinners, for some reason, that is when they choose to melt down. Or this happens...

A Trike Built for Two

Love this video of Elizabeth giving Daniel a ride, he always says she is too heavy when she tried to catch a ride. She must have some strong legs!