Thursday, August 5, 2010

Bedtime Blues

I have sucked at blogging lately. I just wasn't able to find the time while I was working and as soon as I was able to be at home again, the kids threw me for a loop. They chose the first night that Chris was out of town for training to start climbing out of their beds. It started out kinda funny and cute but turned into a total nightmare, for me, not them, they were having a blast. So long story short, I don't have as much time in the evenings as I thought I would to catch up on blogging. I should add what a HUGE blessing it is that we are going through this while I am not working, it is still stressful, but not near as much as it would be if I were trying to get a million things done at night. But still, can this phase please end quickly?

Oh yes, and the kids won't take naps now, which can make for some pretty rough dinners, for some reason, that is when they choose to melt down. Or this happens...

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